Colorectal Surgery Digesitve Surgery Clinic

As per studies, almost every individual suffers from some of the other colorectal diseases. It can be as mild as irritating bowel syndrome, which can be treated with some over-the-counter drugs or severe ones like colon cancer that requires extensive treatment.

Colorectal Surgerydeals with the diseases of the colon and rectum such as tumors, inflammatory bowel disease, hemorrhoids (piles), anal fistula, fissures, etc.

A sea of change has occurred Colorectal Surgery since the last decade. Removals of portions of colon and rectum afflicted with tumors, polyps and inflammatory conditions can now be done laparoscopically (with holes in the abdomen rather than cutting abdomen open).

Colorectal Surgery for piles and fistula used to be a painful affair requiring wound dressings in the postoperative period. Modern technology has made it possible to perform these Colorectal Surgery procedures through painless and scarless methods.

Treating High anal fistulas were always difficult and quite often demanded procedures which were unacceptable and uncomfortable for the patient with high failure rates. Experience and technology have helped us in overcoming these difficulties. At present, we cure a diverse range of problems through colorectal surgery in Kolkata.

Digestive Surgery Clinic is one of the most well-recognized bodies in India where Colon Cancer Treatment or Colorectal Surgery is done routinely by trained surgeons.*

*Disclaimer: The information contained in this website is based on the results which the existing patients have got after treatment. However, results may vary from case to case.