No. Although most of the symptoms of bleed and pain during defecation are due to piles and fissure, sometimes it may be due to more dangerous diseases such cancers, polyps and ulcerative colitis. Consult a doctor before assuming a simpler disease.
I have anal fistula. I have taken various medicines prescribed by alternative medical practitioners but it has not healed. I am scared of surgery since I have heard it is painful and fails most often.
Anal fistulas can be cure
Is all pain and bleeding in stools due to piles and fissure?
only by surgery. So don’t waste time and money on pills and creams. The fistula surgery has improved in recent times due to better MRI scans, techniques like VAAFT, LIFT, Seton and Plug for complex cases. Most cases can be sent home after a single day hospital stay with minimal pain and wound. The failure rate for a simple fistula is rare and 15% for complex fistulas. Also in traditional surgery there is a chance of damage to anal muscle that can lead to inability to hold stool. This is least likely in modern surgery.
I am suffering from piles since last 2 years and I have taken various alternative medicines but if I stop taking these, the problem starts within 2-3 days. How long do I have to take this? Do I need surgery?
Most alternative medicines have no scientific basis or evidence. On the basis of scientific evidence, if you have smaller piles (grades one or two) they need injection or banding treatment.If you have grade three or grade four piles, you need surgery. Surgery can be open or stapler. I recommend stapler since the discomfort is less, and if I needed surgery I would (having done both types of operation extensively) choose staplers any time.
What is the modern treatment for rectal prolapse (the popping out of rectum on defecation) and colorectal cancers?
Nowadays rectal prolapse and colorectal cancers can be treated by laparoscopic surgery without the need for cutting the abdomen. This means less pain, less wound and a hospital stay of 2-3 days only.