His qualifications are MS FRCS FIAGES FALS. He is an active member of IAGES (Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endosurgeons), HSI (Hernia Society of India) IASG (Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology), OSSI (Society for Obesity Surgeons in India) and IFSO (International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity) .
He is/was an Executive member for IAGES, OSSI, HSI and IASG. He has research publications on Bariatric Surgery, Hernias, Gallbladder stones, Colorectal cancer, Acute pancreatitis, bowel intussusception, duodenal tumors, biliary fistulas and complex anal fistulas. He is a faculty in various national and international conferences on hernias, abdominal wall reconstruction, surgical gastroenterology, laparoscopic surgery and bariatric surgery.
He was a Joint Organizing Secretary in Workshop on GI Cancer surgery 2006, CBD workshop 2007, OSSI workshop (on Obesity surgery), Liver workshop 2008, Hernia workshop 2010 held in Kolkata and IASGCON 2014, BMICON 2014 and single theme conference on “Leaks in GI surgery” in 2016. He was the organising the national conference on bariatric surgery OSSICON and hernia HSICON in 2019.
He has authored chapters on “ Surgical Nutrition”, Painful Hernias” and written two monographs- one on CBD diseases and another on “ Liver Surgery”. He has written a book on “Nutrition in Bariatric Patients”- the only book of its kind in Asia. He loves music, stand-up comedy and spirituality.
7B, St Francis Xavier Sarani, Mullick Bazar, Park Street area, Kolkata, West Bengal 700017
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