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Laparoscopic surgery also referred to as keyhole surgery implies performance of surgical procedures with the assistance of a video camera and several slender instruments.
Gallstones are quite common in West Bengal and nearby regions It is very difficult to say what causes it and why it is so common here, but thankfully it can be treated with surgery effectively.
Hernias are bulges in the belly where internal tissues come out under the skin through a defect or hole. They become more prominent when coughing or standing.
Obesity is a disease which when left unaddressed, leads to other diseases like diabetes, increased blood pressure, heart disease, joint pains, snoring, immobility, poor sex life, infertility, psychological problems, as well.
Gastrointestinal cancers are very different from other cancers of the body in many ways. It is usually more aggressive than cancers in other parts of the body such as the breast, head and neck and pelvis.
Colorectal surgery deals with the diseases of the colon and rectum such as tumors, inflammatory bowel disease, hemorrhoids (piles), anal fistula, fissures, etc. It often needs surgery to cure them effectively.
Anorectal diseases are very common these days. Modern Treatment for Piles and Fistula is available these days, with No wound, no dressing, least pain, at Digestive Surgery Clinic.
Hepatobiliary surgery or liver surgery, is a specialized discipline of gastro-surgery dealing with diseases of liver, bile duct, pancreas and gall bladder.
Surgery of the Pancreas is not easy, since this flattish eel like organ is hidden from all sides by stomach, duodenum, colon and pancreas. It requires expert GI surgeon to operate on pancreas.
Almost everyone in their lifetime have experienced heartburn and reflux once in a while. When this becomes a regular affair and causes distress and interferes with daily life, it is labelled as a disease – GERD.
DSC (Digestive Surgery Clinic) is a body of dedicated doctors, who are passionate in the field of gastrointestinal and bariatric surgery and thrive to offer the best digestive surgery to the people of Kolkata.
Dr Sarfaraz Baig is a GI, Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgeon based out of Belle Vue Clinic Kolkata. His qualifications are MS FRCS FIAGES. He is an active member of IAGES (Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endosurgeons), IASG (Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology), OSSI (Society for Obesity Surgeons in India) and IFSO (International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity) .
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