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Cancers in the Abdomen- Let us not close our eyes to it

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Cancers in the Abdomen- Let us not close our eyes to it

Nobody wants to listen to bad news. That is why, we do not want to accept any deadly diagnosis such as cancer. We also want to believe anybody who gives us a hope of treatment by easy methods even if they are unscientific and irrational. Let us look at the example of Mr. Agarwal (name changed), who had been having bleeding in his stools for the last 4 months. He had been to a doctor who advised him a colonoscopy, a test where a pipe with a camera at the tip, is inserted through the anus and examines the last one-meter of the food pipe. He did not follow the advice, which he found too in dignified. Instead he went to a local quack who advised him to take some pills. When he did not receive any benefit in the next two months, he underwent colonoscopy reluctantly. To his dismay, there was a tumor in his food pipe a foot from his anus. He came to us and was promptly operated. The biopsy proved it to be an advanced tumor. Sadly, if he had been detected and operated earlier, he might have been cured. Take the example of Mrs. Jaiswal (name changed),who was suffering from jaundice for the past one month. She was investigated in our clinic and found to be having a pancreatic tumor. We put in a temporary pipe in her bile duct for temporary reduction of her jaundice and advised her for surgery 1 week later. When this was communicated to her and her family, they refused to believe it. They were made to believe that a herbal medicine could cure her in three months time. They were of the opinion that if that failed, then only they would subject her to undergo surgery. All our appeals for early surgery fell on deaf ears. When she was subjected to a CT scan three months later her tumor had spread to the liver. Nothing could be done to save her from the clutches of death 3 months later.These are very common occurences in practice. The main reason behind this is fear. The fear of disease and death makes us irrational. The term “cancer” plays havoc in our minds. It spells doom. Nobody is ready to accept that it can happen to anyone. It is an unfortunate incident in anyone’s life. But isn’t the tsunami in Japan unfortunate too? Don’t we accept it? Turning away from the problem (any problem in life for that matter) does not make the problem disappear. It allows it to grow.The other major fear is the fear of pain and discomfort from surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The last two decades have seen a mammoth progress in the field of cancer treatment. Many of the operations for tumors of the abdomen can be done by laparoscopy (operation through holes eliminating the need of cutting the abdomen). This means less pain, more comfort and early return to work. A good center would also provide pain specialists to minimize the pain in the postoperative period in case of open surgeries. The complication rates have been brought down largely with usage of modern technology. For instance, after excising the diseased segment of food pipe, the joining of two ends can be done with staplers that reduce the incidence of wound infection. Modern gadgets to cut liver can reduce blood loss avoiding blood transfusion, a potentially hazardous affair. A good counseling by your doctor is of immense importance. Ask your doctor regarding the disease, its prognosis, and treatment options. Learn more about the tumor to have a realistic expectation. Also, be aware of the treatment options and find out if your center has the facilities. Knowledge and awareness of tumor treatment should bring a change in the way society looks at cancers. Accepting and facing it scientifically and staying away from the unscientific remedies are the first steps in the right direction. To see the video, how we do it visit my YouTube page.

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