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skipping meals is not healthy

Fight Hunger! Stay Satiated!

The festive season has started since Eid and the Pujas and it is likely that the spirit will continue till the Christmas and the New Year. With it will stay the hunger for having more and more of fun, food and revelry.

Yes, the satiety of the human mind is difficult to achieve. Contentment is a distant dream. It’s always about having a little more. The same principle applies to eating. We tend to have more.  In the world of fat loss, however it’s important to achieve satiety to prevent overeating. Otherwise we land up in calorie excess and obesity.

So how do we attain satiety?

The answer is simple – eat the right food! There are certain foodstuffs that have a high satiety index- simply put, when we eat these food we feel full for a longer time. And that prevents eating more calories. Isn’t that what we all want?

And what are these high satiety food?

They are – boiled potatoes, eggs, fish, oats, meat, soup, vegetable, fruits, nuts, yoghurt. And I have lined them in descending order. Surprised that potatoes are highest in satiety index? But it’s true! Boiled potatoes (not chips and French fries) are very filling. I am not recommending loads of it but you probably know the importance of moderation. I am counting on it!


It’s also known that people having bread instead of eggs for breakfast tend to eat more throughout the day because they are left hungrier after eating the former.

It’s a no-brainer that breads, ice creams and pastries despite being a calorie dense food have a low satiety index; leaving a person craving for more. Bad choice!

Therefore, if you want to lose weight or stay slim, choose food with high satiety. Stay full to stay lean!